How can demountable walls help schools create flexible learning spaces?


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Demountable walls with whiteboard panels

Schools are constantly searching for innovative ways to enhance the learning environment and foster student engagement. One effective solution is the use of demountable walls to create flexible learning spaces. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using demountable walls in schools and how their design can be customized to promote collaboration.

Are demountable walls customizable?

Demountable walls are highly versatile and customizable, making them ideal for creating flexible learning spaces. With the ability to easily reconfigure spaces, schools can adapt to different activities and learning styles. For example, demountable walls can be used to create breakout spaces for small group work or to section off areas for focused individual work. Additionally, demountable walls can be used to create temporary classrooms for events or specialized courses.

How much can you customize?

Moreover, the design of demountable walls can be customized to meet the specific needs of the school with the versatility of AJS Demountable Walls’ Freedom Series. Our demountable walls can be tailored to meet the unique requirements of your school. Choose from a wide range of options for partition type, profile, panel finish, glazing, door type, and door hardware. For instance, the profile can be customized with powder coating, allowing them to be finished in your school’s colours.

Freedom Series

With the Freedom Series, you can go beyond traditional walls. This is because you can elevate your learning environments with AJS Demountable Walls’ customizable panels, promoting collaboration and creativity through whiteboard surfaces, while reducing noise distractions and enhancing focus with acoustic materials.

Do you need to add another classroom?

Flexibility and adaptability are essential components of modern learning environments, and demountable walls can help schools achieve these goals. With the ability to quickly reconfigure spaces, schools can adapt to changing needs and provide students with a dynamic and engaging learning environment. Moreover, the ease of installation means that schools can begin using their new flexible learning spaces in a matter of days, rather than weeks or months.


In conclusion, demountable walls offer many benefits for schools seeking to create flexible learning spaces. From increased adaptability and customization to soundproofing capabilities and ease of installation, demountable walls are an ideal solution for schools looking to enhance the learning environment. The ability to customize demountable walls with whiteboard surfaces further promotes collaboration and provides students with a space to brainstorm and share ideas. As schools continue to evolve and adapt to new challenges, demountable walls will continue to be a valuable tool in creating the ideal learning environment.

With all this in mind, AJS Demountable Walls is an excellent choice for your school. As a company,  AJS Demountable Walls services all of Western Canada with its demountable wall systems. Clients can benefit from the company’s stocked inventory, site adjustability to deal with constraints, competitive pricing, and superior quality for their products. Additionally, AJS Demountable Walls offers financing, making it a 100% tax write-off. With AJS Demountable Walls, clients can rest assured that their space will be transformed to meet their unique needs and requirements.

How can demountable walls help schools create flexible learning spaces?
  • Highly Versatile and Customizable
  • Freedom Series allows you to choose from different options for the profile, panel, door, to the hardware and more!
  • Improved Acoustics 
  • Promote Collaboration
  • Cost-Effective 
  • Quick Installation
  • Adaptable

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